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Pour It On:  Watercolor Pouring                                                                                                                     

Instructor:  Janet Campbell


Materials List for Color Pouring


Paper:  140 lb. cold press professional watercolor paper (preferably Arches).  I don’t recommend Fabriano for this workshop as it takes too long to dry.  This can be ¼ sheet or ½ sheet depending on what you are comfortable working on.  It’s recommended that your drawing be already put on paper.  (A variety of subjects can be used:  florals, still life, landscapes, figures.  A b&w copy of the reference may help in identifying which areas will be left as white, which will be the midtones, and which will be the darks.) 


Sketchpad or inexpensive paper to do value sketch on.


Backing Board for your paper that is water resistant.  Masonite will absorb water unless covered by contact paper.  I use plexiglass.  Foam board works well.  Plus clips to attach paper to board.


2” masking tape for the special way the paper gets mounted on the backboard. This is optional.


Brushes:  Assortment of good quality brushes.  A one-inch flat or large round to move the poured color around.  A large brush (a 2inch flat is good) for wetting the paper. 


Masking fluid:     A bottle of masking fluid that can be applied with brushes.  Masking fluid should not be older than 1-2 years.  I like Incredible White Mask the best.  Rubber cement pickup, if you have one, for removing masking fluid.  Old bar of soap (hotel sized) for using on brush before dipping in masking fluid or liquid Dawn detergent. 


Brushes for masking fluid:   A #2 round and a ¼” flat brush –or bigger if you have large sections to mask.   These should be inexpensive brushes as once they are used for masking fluid they may not function well for paints.  If you have a ruling pen, bring it to use with masking fluid.


Pencil - #2B and eraser


Tube Watercolors in 3 primary colors - transparent is best.   These should be professional grade.    Some examples:  Gamboge, Alizarin Crimson Red, and Ultramarine Blue or Quinacrodone Red, Lemon Yellow, Prussian Blue.    Plus any additional colors you’d like to bring on a palette.


Water Containers, Paper Towels


Tracing Paper if you have it


Water Spray Bottle


3  small containers for holding the prepared colors for pouring.   Size could be like the small yogurt containers you buy at your local supermarket


Pan (butcher’s pans are good)  or plastic tray or cookie sheet with edge to catch excess poured pigment.  


Hairdryer if you have one – I will have one that can be borrowed.


This can get messy!  Wear clothes you don’t mind messing up.




Feel free to call me at 845-728-2778 or email me at with questions.

© Copyright 2015.  All art on this website is copyrighted to the artist.

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